“Come now, and let us reason together,” Says the Lord, Isaiah 1:18a NKJV
That all men may know His work. Job 37:7b NKJV
Scripture on the Rotunda (entrance) ceiling at the ROM, Royal Ontario Museum
For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day. Exodus 20:11a NKJV
If there was a world wide flood what evidence would there be?
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An Informal and Better Way to Stay Current on Events and Research!
Come on a Spring, Summer or Fall, 2025 public fossil trip with Martin
Legemaate, Curator of The Creation Research Museum of Ontario
Legemaate, Curator of The Creation Research Museum of Ontario
Kawartha Lakes fossil dig
Spring, June 14th, Kawartha Lakes fossil trip
Fall, September 13th, Kawartha Lakes fossil trip
Contact Curator Martin Legemaate: [email protected]
Dates and times may change due to quarry operations.
Fall, September 13th, Kawartha Lakes fossil trip
Contact Curator Martin Legemaate: [email protected]
Dates and times may change due to quarry operations.
Hungry Hollow fossil trip
Summer, July 19th, Arkona/Hungry Hollow fossil trip.
Contact Curator Martin Legemaate: [email protected]
It's open house time again at the “Creation Research Museum of Ontario” in Goodwood, Ontario on
Saturday, June the 21st, 2025 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Saturday, June the 21st, 2025 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Niagara Region field trip September 2024
Eurypterid Hunting June 2023
Niagara Gorge Geological Excursion September 2022
New museum exhibits and more
Keeping our distance at an April 2020 collectors dig!
Museum Tour Oct. 2019
Launching of new virtual museum tour page since all fossil trips and tours were temporarily suspended due to the corona virus outbreak.
November 2018
Tour with John Mackay to GTA (Greater Toronto Area) Churches
Tour with John Mackay to GTA (Greater Toronto Area) Churches
November 2017
Launch of a new web page called:
7 Ontario Geological Wonders
Launch of a new web page called:
7 Ontario Geological Wonders
What is the Creation Research Museum of Ontario?
It's a rock, fossil and mineral collection making up several displays and exhibited in different
areas in Southern Ontario showing a "Better Interpretation of the Rocks" that being evidence for
Creation and Catastrophe/Noah's Flood reaffirming that the bible can be trusted from cover to cover.
The majority of the collection is housed at Goodwood Baptist Church in Goodwood Ontario.
In 2017 the museum was totally renovated and with the addition of 3 more displays.
New colour and style was modeled after Big Valley Creation Science Museum in Alberta Canada.
Added to the Ontario museum is a “Fossils of Nova Scotia show case a Montana dinosaur bone
showcase and a stalactite shelf. The existing showcases are now separated in categories;
living fossils, trilobites, cephalopods, trace fossils, vugs (cavities), catastrophe, minerals/metals
and the Ice Age. Also evidence demonstrated for intelligent design.
Here's what Pastor Liew says about the importance of Creation:
"We are living in a time when our society is so influenced by the humanistic philosophy
of evolution, it is imperative for the Bible-believing Churches to promote the ministries
such as Creation Research. If we don't do it, our country will be drifting farther away from
the Christian principles & the Bible will become irrelevant to guide our lives with no notion
of what is right or wrong. Today children are growing up with no clear understanding of the
Biblical accounts of creation & therefore their faith is no longer grounded in the Word of God.
I believe that the Creation is one of the strong foundations of our faith. We strongly commend
& support the ministries of Creation Research & Martin. We also appreciate the display cases
he kindly placed in our Church".
Pastor Michael Liew, 2009, Goodwood Baptist Church, Goodwood, Ontario.
"We are living in a time when our society is so influenced by the humanistic philosophy
of evolution, it is imperative for the Bible-believing Churches to promote the ministries
such as Creation Research. If we don't do it, our country will be drifting farther away from
the Christian principles & the Bible will become irrelevant to guide our lives with no notion
of what is right or wrong. Today children are growing up with no clear understanding of the
Biblical accounts of creation & therefore their faith is no longer grounded in the Word of God.
I believe that the Creation is one of the strong foundations of our faith. We strongly commend
& support the ministries of Creation Research & Martin. We also appreciate the display cases
he kindly placed in our Church".
Pastor Michael Liew, 2009, Goodwood Baptist Church, Goodwood, Ontario.
International Director of Creation Research: John Mackay www.creationresearch.net
Tours Tours Tours
We are now taking small group tours at the museum. They run for about 3 hours.
There will be free fossil giveaways, a draw for a fabulous fossil and a selection of
fossils, minerals, books and DVDs for purchase. For details contact Ontario
curator Martin Legemaate: E-mail [email protected]
Click TOURS for more details.
Tours Tours Tours
We are now taking small group tours at the museum. They run for about 3 hours.
There will be free fossil giveaways, a draw for a fabulous fossil and a selection of
fossils, minerals, books and DVDs for purchase. For details contact Ontario
curator Martin Legemaate: E-mail [email protected]
Click TOURS for more details.
Complete museum newly set up in 2009
The museum in 2015
The newly renovated museum in 2017
Ministry Needs
Can you help?
1) We are looking for a gas powered concrete saw to remove fossils
from the field. Using a hammer would potentially destroy them.
December 2017 Update. Thanks to a couple who wish to remain
anonymous a rock saw has been donated!
2) We are always looking for better fossil collecting sites and quarries.
Any that you know of near you?
3) Fossil storage. As is the usual in most museums, only a small percentage of fossils are displayed.
We are always looking for secure fossil storage areas.
Can you help?
1) We are looking for a gas powered concrete saw to remove fossils
from the field. Using a hammer would potentially destroy them.
December 2017 Update. Thanks to a couple who wish to remain
anonymous a rock saw has been donated!
2) We are always looking for better fossil collecting sites and quarries.
Any that you know of near you?
3) Fossil storage. As is the usual in most museums, only a small percentage of fossils are displayed.
We are always looking for secure fossil storage areas.
Museum Feedback
Dear Martin,
A friend mentioned your ministry, so I looked up your newsletter and then your site. We are missionaries to Brazil, but reside in London, Ontario, during furlough. I had seen that there were new creation museums popping up in Canada, and had watched Ian Juby's site, but have always wished we had something a little closer to London. The Goodwood/Collingwood area is an improvement for us, and a boost for the whole area. May your tribe increase!
We seriously do hope that your ministry can grow and touch more people. I sometimes feel that many of our churches are creationist tolerant at best, when they should be creationist friendly or creationist promoting. We hope that things go well for you and will hope to visit on our next furlough. In Christ, John Baab
Hello Martin,
Thank you for emailing us. Yes, please do let us know about any details regarding John Mackay in Feb 2011. For your encouragement, we pray for you and the Lord's ministry through the wonderful work that you do. We are very thankful for you.
In Christ, the Ng family
Dear Martin,
A friend mentioned your ministry, so I looked up your newsletter and then your site. We are missionaries to Brazil, but reside in London, Ontario, during furlough. I had seen that there were new creation museums popping up in Canada, and had watched Ian Juby's site, but have always wished we had something a little closer to London. The Goodwood/Collingwood area is an improvement for us, and a boost for the whole area. May your tribe increase!
We seriously do hope that your ministry can grow and touch more people. I sometimes feel that many of our churches are creationist tolerant at best, when they should be creationist friendly or creationist promoting. We hope that things go well for you and will hope to visit on our next furlough. In Christ, John Baab
Hello Martin,
Thank you for emailing us. Yes, please do let us know about any details regarding John Mackay in Feb 2011. For your encouragement, we pray for you and the Lord's ministry through the wonderful work that you do. We are very thankful for you.
In Christ, the Ng family